Satya Wacana Conference & Seminar, The 3rd ICETEACH

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The Mapping of Information Technology (IT) Technopreneurships Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence Based
Wiji Lestari, Singgih Purnomo, Indra Hastuti

Last modified: 2016-10-24



This paper presents the mapping of technopreneurships in Information Technology (IT) of  learning styles and multiple intelligences based. The IT technopreneurship which are mapped in this research are 8 technopreneurships. These are Software Application Developer, Data Base Developer & Data Analyst, System analyst, Software Engineer, Computer Network Engineer, Graphics Designer & Animator, Multimdia System Developer and Embeded & Computer System Engineer. The mapping methods use analytical data from literature study, interview and observation from IT and Management lecturer, IT technopreneurs and Practiciant of Psichology . IT technoprebneurships mapping base to learning styles and multiple intelligences.


Keyword : mapping,  technopreneurships, information technology, learning styles, multiple intelligence


mapping, technopreneurships, information technology, learning styles, multiple intelligence


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