Satya Wacana Conference & Seminar, The 3rd ICETEACH

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Urban Heat Island Spatial Media Learning in Atmospheric Dynamics and Its Effect on Life Content in Subjects Geography in High School
Siti Azizah Susilawati, Muhammad Amin Sunarhadi, Siti Badriyah Rushayati, Rahmat Hermawan

Last modified: 2016-11-18


Spatial learning is a competency that presenting subject materials in a spatial way where it becomes the parameter in recognizing and understanding the interrelation, interconnection and interdependence be-tween material objects of Geography. UHI is a phenomenon of geography and also the result of the dy-namics atmosphere which is increasing mainly occurred in urban areas. UHI right conveyed to students through spatial learning based on the curriculum in 2013. Students can study such phenomena through a scientific approach. UHI spatial media learning consist 5 stages as a scientific approach namely : observe, ask, try, associate, communicate.

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