Last modified: 2016-10-18
Among educators, counselors profession in Indonesia is still are relatively new - it comes in Indonesia in 1960-- Compared with existing teachers since the Dutch colonial era. Therefore, counselor praparation institutions issuing its graduates as a counselor in the year 1980. The graduate who worked at the school for this is still Considered less professional. The observations reveal that there are many counselors who do not have a guidance and counseling program. Many of the which already have the program, but not implemented to the fullest. In addition, the program has been Carried out but not accompanied by evaluation and acountability. Based on Reviews These conditions, Efforts are needed professionalization of applying the correction start of input: new admissions, the process of learning to be a counselor, and maintenance of professionalism up to the counselors are already working at the school. Efforts in the form of receiving candidates counselors abilities are pretty holistic from some aspects, educational institutions counselor should prepare as well as possible for example to reproduce the practice, and when at school he should work based on the program, and there accountability, Also counselors Formally always either in private or maintain professionalism.
Key Words: profesionalisation, meaning profession, profesionalisation by the system, guarding the gate.
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