Satya Wacana Conference & Seminar, The 3rd ICETEACH

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The Development of Islamic Guidance and Counseling for Increasing College Students Emosional Intelligence (The Research to College Students in Muria Kudus University)
Indah Lestari, Santoso -

Last modified: 2016-11-24


The purpose of this study is to produce an effective Islamic-based guidance group model to improve college student emotional intelligence. This study used a educational research and development model. Ten college students were taken using purposive sampling technique. Islamic-based guidance group model in improving college students’ emotional intelligence is a process of providing assistance by the counselor to individuals through group based on the values of Islam in the Qur'an and Hadits. The model was able to make the participants learning to participate actively. It was also able to make the group member experiencing insight development, attitudes and/or necessary skills to prevent problems and personal development efforts. The general results in this study indicated that the model of group counseling with the simulation techniques was effective to enhance the emotional intelligence of college studenst. The t test = 18.471 > t table 5% = 2,262 and it can be said that the t count > t table.


Emotional intelligence, Islamic-based guidance group model

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