General Papers
The Influence of E-Training to Increase the Competence of Guidance and Counseling Teachers | |
Yari Dwikurnaningsih |
The Impact of Conceptualizations of Learning on Practice | |
Jonan Phillip Donaldson |
The Effect of Story Telling Learning Model Based on Suggestopedia and Traditional Play Songs on Story Telling Skill of Grade 5 Elementary School Students in Salatiga | |
Sunardi Sunardi |
Developing Training Model to Improve Worker’s Work Engagement in Small Trading Business Enterprise | |
Fitri Rezeki |
Professionalization School Counselors in Indonesia | |
Blasius Boli Lasan |
The Development of Innovative Dick-Carey Training Model to Improve Biology Teachers Performance in Applying ICT at Public Senior High Schools in Semarang City | |
Kustiono Kustiono |
Some Challenges, Opportunity and Impact to Higher Education Quality Assurance in Indonesia | |
Lisa Gracia Kailola |
Initiating Professional Autonomy | |
Dwi Ampriyati |
The Use of Story Telling In Teaching Reading | |
Veronika Unun Pratiwi, Mas Sulis Setiono, Purwani Indri Astuti, Dini Putri Ambarwati |
Effect of Learning Hotel System to The Students Competence at Program Studi Akomodasi Perhotelan in SMK N 8 Medan | |
Muhammad Halfi Indra Syahputra |
Interactive Multimedia Based On Guiding-Inquiry In Learning Social Science At Fourth Grade Of Primary School | |
Wawan Priyanto, Muhammad Ilham, Ikha Listyarini |
Development of ICT-Based Learning Management Model at SD Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga | |
Edna Maria, Slameto -, Eko Sediyono |
Peer Mentoring and Peer Asessing in Method of Jigsaw | |
Donald Samuel Slamet |
The Mapping of Information Technology (IT) Technopreneurships Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence Based | |
Wiji Lestari, Singgih Purnomo, Indra Hastuti |
The Influence of Problem Solving Skills Towards Learning Outcomes in Learning Mathematic Course Grade Five of Elementary School | |
Fajar Cahyadi, Yusuf Setia Wardana, Rizqi Fajriyatul Chasanah |
Early Childhood Classroom Management to Increase the Student’s Social Skills | |
Lanny Wijayaningsih |
Develop Detection System of Anonymous Mail To Validate Originality E-learning Tasks | |
Andi Novianto |
The Learning Leader in Contemporary Schooling | |
Rosie Thrupp |
Self-Efficacy in the Contemporary Teacher and the Role of the Principal | |
Andrea Dugan |
The Success Determinant of Research-Based Lectures | |
- Slameto |
Teacher Management Policies in Moratorium Era | |
Nurkolis Siri Kastawi |
Current Issues in Education in Developing Countries | |
Cees van Maarseveen |
Improving Teacher’s Professionalism Through Peer Group Learning | |
- Suyahman |
An Analysis of The Impact of The English National Examination (ENE) on The Teachers’ Teaching | |
Egidius Virgo |
Analysis of The Management Library in School | |
Anggriati Ledu Ngaba |
Transactional Leadership in Enhancing The Competence of principals | |
Erfy Melany Lalupanda |
Urban Heat Island Spatial Media Learning in Atmospheric Dynamics and Its Effect on Life Content in Subjects Geography in High School | |
Siti Azizah Susilawati, Muhammad Amin Sunarhadi, Siti Badriyah Rushayati, Rahmat Hermawan |
Management of Basic Education Program in The Perspective of Sustainable Development Goals | |
Bambang Ismanto |
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Quality of University Life | |
Sumardjono Padmomartono, Yustinus Windrawanto |
The Effectiveness of Empty Seats Technique in Resolving Verbal Communication Difficulties at SMP N 31 Banjarmasin | |
Nina Permatasari, Nurul Inayah |
Servant Leadership in School Improvement | |
- Purwanto |
Transformational Leadership in School Quality Improvement | |
Ririn Tius Eka Margareta |
Management of Facilities and Infrastructure and Culture and Environment Smk Christian School Salatiga | |
Sherly Istika Sari, Eni Mariani |
The Competence and Implication of Headmaster’s Wisdom on The Javanese Leadership Values | |
Siti Supeni, Oktiana Handini |
Lesson Study: Model as a Social Science Teacher Training To Improve the Quality Learning In Primary School | |
Tjipto Subadi |
Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) in The University Setting | |
Treesia Sujana |
The Development of Islamic Guidance and Counseling for Increasing College Students Emosional Intelligence (The Research to College Students in Muria Kudus University) | |
Indah Lestari, Santoso - |
Developing Career Counseling Program with Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy to Improve Career Competence Vocational High School Students | |
Arista Kiswantoro, Nur Mahardika |
Management of Character Education at SMA N 12 Semarang | |
Welius Purbonuswanto |
Benefits of ICT for Developing Instructional Materials on Vocational High School | |
Budi Maryono |
Students’ Character Development through Civic Education | |
Tukiran Taniredja |
Literacy: Theories and Early Childhood Education Practices | |
Endang Fauziati |
Regional Languages Interference Phenomenon into Indonesian Language in the Learning Process as Actualization to Reveal Ethics in Speaking | |
Henny Dewi Koeswanti |
Design ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System for Higher Education Based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) | |
Dwi Widi Pratito, Abdul Karim |
PhET (Physics Education Technology) Virtual Laboratory as Physics Learning Media About Factors that Influence the Number of Emitted Electrons in Photoelectric Effect | |
Satriya Ary Hapsara, Debora Natalia Sudjito, Diane Noviandini |
Influence Of Managerial Skills Of Primary School Principals To The Program Success Of The Primary Schools In Waingapu, East Sumba District | |
Umbu Tagela |
Completion Of The Dirac Equation Using Pöschl-Teller Potential Hyperbolic Potential Plus Gendenshtein II Using Asymptotic Iteration Method | |
Sapto Joko Purwadi, Andi Novianto |
Profesional Competence In Sustainable Profesional Development at Teachers Primary School | |
Wahira Wahira |
Strategies for Effective Learning and Teaching | |
John Hunt |
The Non-Existence Of Empowerment Of Bystanders In School Bullying Cases Contributes To Their Increasing Number | |
Tri Widati Setiya Atmarno |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana | ||
Jl. Diponegoro 52-60 Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia Telp. 0298-321212 (hunt), |