Satya Wacana Conference & Seminar, International Conference on Human Resource Management

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The Impact of Apprenticeship and Certification of Competence in searching Skill Mismatch Solution
Yustina E. P. Dewi

Date: 2016-09-27 08:00 AM – 09:00 AM
Last modified: 2016-09-16


Evidence shows that skill mismtach incidence have a negative impact to national growth, while massive escalation in global market competition lead into a bigger opportunity for skill mismtach  take a place in every occupation and type of work. Using the model and suggestions proposed by International Labor Organization, apprenticeship and certification of competence are two difference program that offering a solution in reduce skill mismtach. As a new paradigm, these program required an integrated understanding and also delicated experiment in human resources management practise. Prior considerable researchs has proven that skill mismatch caused in several issues such as wages penalty, individual satisfaction, skill shortages, and unemployability, however a clear suggestion on how to avoid skill mismatch in order to help human resources management practise were far away from the spotlight. Meanwhile, from vocational education field has been growing an interesting progress regarding apprenticeship and certification of comptency with intention to increase graduate acceptance in particular firm. Based on Germany dual-system program on their vocational education that provide more apprenticeship than class-room sessions, and resulting in low number of unemployment level, this study inteded  to compare the two major issues and find out the fit model to implement appreticeship  in company level. Previous study shows that apprenticeship would benefit a real experience in workfield  and bridging the gap between experience in education institution and workfield. The real experience itself needed to be sure with certain system that acknowledge the skill, knowledge, and also attitude toward individual that intend to join the workforce. After accomplished an apprenticeship program, certification of competence would assuring the competency of individual through assessment of competency conducted by independence certification institution established by assosiation of proffesions, and delivered under Regional Model Competency Standard. This literature study aims to understand the impact of appreticeship program as a solution to reduce skill mismatch evidence, altogether with program to ensure the competency of worker through certification of competence. The findings resulting from this study were based on a literature review on studies concerning skill mismatch, apprenticeship, and certification of competence which were published during 2010 - 2016. The literature review suggested that incidence of skill mismatch could be avoided by conducting apprenticeship to provide a real work atmosfer and experience while certification of competence function is to ensure and maintain the individual competency. A guidance and model in conducting apprenticeship program for company level can be consider as practical implications from this study. Nevertless, without an  emperical evidence, this study has limitation and can not be generalized yet. The reserach objects such as individual apprentice and assessement of competency participants, company who implement apprenticeship program, or certification of competency institution should be involved as respondent or key informan for future research. Another future research suggestion regarding skill mismatch also associated with human resources management recruitment model.


skill mismatch; apprenticeship; certification of competency; competency assessment

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