International Undergraduate Conference

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International Undergraduate Conference 2019

April 1, 2019 – April 2, 2019

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International Undergraduate Conference 2018

Grand Wahid Hotel (The Hotel Ballroom)

Salatiga, ID

May 12, 2018 – May 13, 2018

  • Ø About the Conference

Students Organization of Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana proudly presents the International Undergraduate Conference UKSW that will be held on May 12, 2018. With the theme “Technology and Culture: A Circle of Influence”, this conference is focusing on the impacts of technology in the socio-cultural aspects of human life.

  • Ø Background theme

In today’s’ era, technology is almost impossible to separate from the daily life of humankind. The rapid adoption of technology is beneficial in many aspects, as new inventions of technology keep on renewing human ways of living and knowing.

Unconsciously, however, the presence of technology is altering some aspects of human life, such as socio-culture. We may come to see that changes have occurred in our way of life, or perhaps, our cultures as individuals. In other words, technology might create new cultures – both for individuals and groups of people.

This International Undergraduate Conference (IUC) UKSW focuses on how undergraduates might raise awareness of how technology influences the socio-cultural aspects of human life, as well as how to create and maximize human knowing through technology.

Ø Topic Areas of Call for Paper:
  • Career opportunities raised by social media
  • Unforeseen side-effects of today’s technology on the millennial generation
  • Impact of technology on lifestyle
  • Power of technology to enhance agricultural production
  • Threat of cyber bullying in human life
  • Technological innovation in education



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