Last modified: 2018-07-05
The curriculum of 2013 that is applied in Indonesia emphasizes the learning of five ways of Scientific Approach (Observing, Questioning, Experimenting, Associating, and Communicating). In physics learning, some of the taught materials use experiments, but not all students are able to observe the experimental results correctly. The purpose of this study is to make RPP (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) or Lesson Plan using stimulant questions that emphasize the observation skills of experimental results so that students can have skills in observing the results of the experiments. This research uses PTK (Classroom Action Research) method of teacher type as researcher. The used research instruments were 5 Lesson Planning, observation sheets, cognitive test sheets, and questionnaire sheets. The respondents were 27 junior high school students from grade 8th. The results showed that from the observation sheet, average 92.59% students were able to observe the results of the experiment after given a stimulant question. This is supported by questionnaires which on average 92.59% of students felt that it was helpful to observe the results of experiments using stimulant questions. And from the results of the cognitive test sheets, average 79.15% of students can answer correctly on given problems. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that through stimulant questions students can learn to observe the results of experiments.